Dear Catholic Coogs and Friends,
Earlier this month, for the first time since my arrival to the University of Houston back in August 2018, I was able to attend a graduation ceremony. It was held at the Fertita Center. I was surrounded by joyous families and friends of the many graduates. The experience was meaningful, especially since I just completed “senior” year having now been chaplain and director of the UH Newman Center for 4 academic years.
Such achievements are opportunities when we can say like the old standard hymn, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” I am thankful for the many blessings I have received and been able to share while at UH. It has been uplifting and revitalizing to serve and accompany the many students on campus, especially the Catholic Coogs community. I find campus ministry keeps you young in mind and heart. God is good.
Gratitude is not a theoretical matter or feeling, but a state of soul which takes us beyond ourselves to recognize how Christ is part of our journey, especially in the people who make up our lives.
All this makes me aware of how you have been a part of our Catholic community at UH and grateful for your spiritual support and how you have sustained our ministry by your time and treasure. We have accomplished a lot in recent years and plans and efforts are on the horizon to ensure that our faith and commitment continue bearing good fruit. Please consider our new MobileCause option as a way for you to financially support our mission. . You may visit to make an online donation. Another option via MobileCause is to text "catholiccoogs" to 41444.
Let us remain united in prayer. Gracias, Salamat, Daalụ, Cảm ơn, thank you!
In Christ the Good Shepherd,
Fr. Charlie