Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Cycle B) - May 16, 2021 Ascension: When the Lord Jesus trust us so much as to leave us his mission Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 / Psalm 47 / Ephesians 4:1-13 / Mark 16:15-20
I've heard it said more than once: "Sometimes if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." Perhaps some might add the following: "especially if you want something done right." Some people might agree wholeheartedly. Others might agree with the sentiment, but not find the idea to always be very realistic or practical. Yes, if you want something done according to your specifications and schedule, it can be necessary to do it yourself. However, not many of us have the time and energy to do everything that we recognize as important. More importantly, though, it is necessary and charitable to rely on the help of others. In addition, others rely upon us. Many noble and Christ-like qualities emerge in such an interchange of needs and willingness to serve and be served. In the process, trust is given and has the opportunity to truly grow. When Jesus ascended into heaven, the mission of salvation was completed. The Incarnation, Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ were accomplished. He had redeemed the world in all its fullness, all humanity and all of history. It was the right moment for him to return to his Heavenly Father. However, Christ ascends with confidence in those he leaves on the earth. It appears he trusts us. The parting words of our Lord in today's Gospel reading according to Mark make that obvious: "Jesus said to his disciples: 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature...'" (Mark 16: 15). One look around, though, and it was obvious that much needed to be done. While humanity had been redeemed, love's redeeming work was still to be continued and carried out to the ends of the earth and to every human heart. That part was left in the hands of the early Church and to be handed on to successive ages, we are included along with future generations. Christ, you could say, "gave the mission a church, not so much the church a mission." The Lord promised to be with us, guide and strengthen us, but he was counting on his followers to teach others that they, too, were God's beloved children. In brief, salvation continues in and through Christ; he keeps giving mercy, he always forgives. Still, it is up to us to keep living and the most important way for us to do that is to keep teaching others that redemption is true and possible in and through Christ who redeems. Even as Christ ascends and demonstrates his willingness to entrust such an important mission and purpose in our hands, as individuals and church, the question remains: Are we willing to accept his will? Does our confidence in ourselves match his trust in us? When it comes to our relationship with God, do we stand there looking up at the sky or are we willing to look where he calls us to focus our attention, on the needs and suffering of others? Nothing ended when Christ ascended. Rather, he calls us to remember more and more his willingness to come into our reality and remind us that even there his love can and must flourish. The story never really ends; we have a part in such a wonderful and true possibility.
Peace in the Risen and Ascended Lord! Fr. Charles Johnson, O.P.