The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – June 6, 2021 The Lord’s banquet is prepared! Is there room at the table of your heart? Exodus 24: 3-8 / Psalm 116 / Hebrews 9: 11-15 / Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26
Recently, a student asked me, “What happens when a non-Catholic receives the Eucharist?” “I’ve seen it happen, I’m sure,“ I responded, “but if they receive with a sincere heart and conscience, I am sure Christ will know what to do.”
As we hope that Catholics will return to a full and in-person celebration of the sacraments when the effects of COVID-19 subside sufficiently, especially participation in Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist, I often wonder, “What happens when a Roman Catholic receives the Eucharist?” What about us, especially as members of the Catholic community at the University of Houston?
Does a Catholic individual receive out of the force of habit or convention? That is a question that needs to be addressed in the interior of your conscience and mine. Still, the question is a valid one, since the Lord Jesus who beckons us in Mass to receive him is always sincere in his invitation. We are talking about a serious matter.
The Holy Eucharist is not a matter of curiosity or only about an obligation or custom. The Body and Blood of Christ, which and whom we celebrate today with special intensity is a matter of commitment and relationship. The Lord Jesus gave and gives himself to us so that the relationship we have with him and each other is strengthened and sustained.
The Eucharist is about receiving and giving. The wisdom of Pope Francis reminds of this dual-dynamic: “The Eucharist is an encounter with Christ truly present in the supreme act of his love, the life-giving gift of himself.”¹ He gave himself to us so that we might be more generous to him just as he is with us and then be ever more generous with the people we meet along the way.
Two disciples were sent ahead by Jesus to prepare a place for him and the group to celebrate the Passover and for the Lord to reveal his love for them. Christ longs for prepared places in our hearts. He constantly seeks to reveal his love to us. He provides the food – his very self, his own Body and Blood. Are our hearts and minds like a large upper room ready to receive him? Are our arms outstretched like an open table to receive those who hunger, especially for love that is true and without conditions?
Come to Christ, who is the table, meal and feast. He is the reason we celebrate and the gift and food shared at the holy banquet. Come to adore Christ and receive him. Most of all, come to love him. Come to welcome your neighbor. Come and be willing to love and be loved.
Be seated in the Lord, rest in him, be nourished and satisfy your thirst, through him, with him and in him.
Peace in the Eucharistic Lord! Fr. Charles Johnson, O.P
1 Pope Francis, Lectio Divina meditation for Corpus Christi, June 6, 2021 (Magnificat, June 2021)