Get a head start on Day 1 materials where we will be focusing on what it means to be Catholic. As always, start with Scripture!
Monday Scripture Reflection Reflecting on Matthew 16:13-20 (NABRE) “Obedience is real freedom.”
Deacon Wayne Ly
The Dignity of Every Person Laura Bolling God had the thought to create each one of us; He created each person because the world was missing the gift of that person. Then, He sent His only Son to suffer, die, & resurrect to show us His immense love & bring us back to Himself. If we really believe this message, love of neighbor - everyone from our mom to that slow person checking out in front of us at the store - will be a result. And we'll talk practicals.
When You 'Wish' Upon a Saint Neha Alex The Church is enriched and connected through the Communion of Saints. They are a wonderfully devoted army of help and strength that lift us up in our earthly journey toward God. They never cease to pray for us so that we can grow in the freedom of living for Christ, and through their intercession, the love God has for us is affirmed in each of us individually and in the entire Body of Christ. We can look up to them and their own earthly sufferings for answers and inspiration in the midst of our own struggles to love, serve, and follow God.